Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Stumbling Around in the Dark

I like to Google the words to Family History because it gives me new topics and insights into genealogy. I have found many helpful web pages by using this wonderful search engine. Sometimes we must stumble around in the dark until we find the light switch.

This time, I stumbled across a great website called The Federation, and it seems to be a treasure trove of information. The Federation of Family History Societies is a collection of many genealogy societies, across the pond, that can tie you to many subjects.

I have also stumbled across the topics board at Ancestry.com. This board has access to many topics that are being discussed on there at any given moment. I saw boards on DNA and family bibles as well as ethnicity and adoptions. There may be some valuable answers here.

It does not matter where you find your information, as long as you cite it so you can find it again, and you don't plagiarize, you can use it to build your tree. Information is accessible if we learn how to search for it. If we are willing to take a leap of faith and say yes, that is them, and then search that line till you find the link or the unlink, then you are well on your way.

Prayer and fortitude are what are called for when it comes to Family History. There are days that you do not want to quit because there is so much information coming in, and then there are days that there are no new lines of investigation. Either way, it is sometimes a blessing to stumble in the dark. It makes you search for the light switch that much harder.


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